It has been a busy nine weeks for us here at Abbie Burbidge Eventing, since the last blog we have had top 10 placings with all the horses. It all started with TJ coming first and second in his debut British Dressage outing in July. After that, we made a trip to Bicton’s August British Showjumping weekend where Castle Fantastic won his class (Dodson & Horrell Amateur round).
Unfortunately, I did not have a horse ready for the Bicton’s British Eventing Horse Trials in July so instead I volunteered for the day. It was interesting watching how the different professionals warm up their horses and nice talking to a few of them like Tim Price, Padraig McCarthy, David Doel and Andrew Nicholson to name a few. I will definitely volunteer again at the October Horse Trials!
TJ has started his eventing career and despite the heat he placed ninth on his debut. At his next event we had to compete in opposite weather, but despite the pouring rain he put in a really good performance for sixth which is a pleasing start to his career.
Bluebird went to his first British Showjumping show where he was just pipped at the post to come second. He has also competed in Combined Training and was placed third and sixth, so great all round!
Castle was back out doing some Combined Training where he won his class on a dressage score of 28.3. Then we went out jumping and he was on winning form in the Discovery – I am sure he wanted to show the youngsters how it was done!
But the real star has been TJ with his “twinkle toes” dressage outings where he has managed to keep a winning streak at three different BD events! TJ went eventing mid-September doing his last BE90 course where he put in a particularly good performance over a technical track to finish sixth.
Looking ahead to October, we are just as busy with competitions lined up for all three horses.
Hopefully, we will be allowed to still compete even with the increase in the R rating.
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